network telecom blockchain desktop
August 18, 2020
The telecoms industry landscape is changing. What remains for traditional operators?
Gone are the days when national telecoms markets were primarily defined by former monopoly incumbent telcos together with a handful of mobile operator...
COVID-19- 8 ways the telecoms industry can help keep everyone connected
March 24, 2020
COVID-19: 8 ways the telecoms industry can help keep everyone connected
What can be learned from the experience so far and how can operators, regulators and other stakeholders ensure that networks keep running and everyone...
Telecoms, Coronavirus and keeping the networks running
March 23, 2020
Telecoms, Coronavirus and keeping the networks running
In the past decade, telecommunications have been somewhat forgotten by markets, who are enamored by much cooler digital brothers, as well as taken for...
The network operator of 2025- can telcos retain a leading role in the digital era
October 1, 2019
The network operator of 2025: can telcos retain a leading role in the digital era?
After building much of the infrastructure for the digital transformation we see across industries and society, traditional telecommunications network ...